The Startup Therapy Couch™: Critical Factors for Startup Success - #2 TALK

In this series, we're diving into the most critical factors for startup success. These are the criteria that most often are present when a startup "makes it".

Let's talk about TALK. This factor involves you TALKing to as many people as you possibly can about your idea. As you get more information on the problem you're solving and who you are solving it for, you'll start to home in on what the market is asking for you to build. These conversations should be with real people who have the problem you are trying to solve in real life, and you should have a few hundred of these people. That means you'll need to make some new friends, and that's a good thing because the opinions of people who don't already know and love you are far more valuable than what your mom thinks. (Sorry, Mom!)

Beware... Do NOT go into stealth mode! If you find yourself hoarding your idea like someone will steal it and implement it before you, you need to recenter your brain around the fact that this was your inspiration and that counts for a lot. So don't hoard it, TALK about it... A LOT.

Go back to Critical Factor for Startup Success #1 TEAM.